- Thesis 47: Righteousness by faith is an experience, not just a theory.
- Thesis 48: The Christian's devotional life is not optional. The relationship with God is the entire basis of the ongoing Christian life.
- Thesis 49: If we don't take time for the Bible and prayer we will die spiritually.
- Thesis 50: Just because you read the Bible and pray doesn't mean you'll have a relationship with God. But if you don't, you won't.
- Thesis 51: The primary purpose of prayer is not to get answers but to know Jesus.
- Thesis 52: The primary purpose of Bible study is not to get information but to know Jesus.
- Thesis 53: Things often go worse when we pray until we learn to seek Jesus for His sake, not ours.
- Thesis 54: Anyone who gets discouraged with his relationship because of his behavior is a legalist.