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Thesis 47: Righteousness by faith is an experience, not just a theory.

Let me give you a recipe for strawberry shortcake, You put a piece of cake in the bottom of a large bowl. Some people use spongecake. Some people prefer a sort of biscuitlike substance. Some people use a plain white cake. But whichever you use, you then pile on top of it a mound of strawberries. If it’s winter, you may have to use frozen strawberries. But fresh ones are the best. And then on top of the strawberries, you put lots of whipped cream.

The details and methods may vary slightly from person to person. But one thing is certain. Strawberry shortcake is an experience, not just a theory! All of the variations of the three ingredients–cake, strawberries, and whipped topping–have only one goal in the end. In order to appreciate strawberry shortcake fully, you have to experience it.

We’ve talked about the three tangible ingredients in the Christian life that go to make up this thing called “relationship.” We’ve talked about Bible study, prayer, and Christian witness or service or outreach. In this section I’m going to deal with the “recipe” for a meaningful devotional life.

But over and above it all, you must clearly understand one fact: The theory apart from the experience is of little value. In order to benefit from the “recipe,” you must taste it for yourself!

There is a vast difference between knowing someone and simply knowing about someone. You can read about Abraham Lincoln or Florence Nightingale. You can know their history, memorize their sayings, admire their lives. But you cannot have a personal relationship with them. You cannot know them; you can only know about them.

Many Christians have been content to know about God. They gather information from His Word on occasion. They discuss Him in Sabbath School class week by week. They realize that He is loving and just and merciful. They admire Him from afar. But they never come to know Him for themselves in a personal one-to-one communion.

The psalmist says,

“O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him.” Psalm 34:8.

The Desire of Ages, page 347, tells us:

“To talk of religion in a casual way, to pray without soul hunger and living faith, avails nothing. A nominal faith in Christ, which accepts Him merely as the Saviour of the world, can never bring healing to the soul. The faith that is unto salvation is not a mere intellectual assent to the truth. … It is not enough to believe about Christ; we must believe in Him. The only faith that will benefit us is that which embraces Him as a personal Saviour; which appropriates His merits to ourselves.”

The recipe is important. But the tasting and experiencing is even more important. You can read about a good recipe, but only you can make the decision to try it out for yourself.

Is there a recipe for relationship with Christ? Here’s one that many of us have found meaningful. Take time, alone, at the beginning of every day, to seek Jesus through His Word and through prayer. Take time. Relationships don’t happen in an instant. We hear a lot these days about “quality” time versus “quantity” time. But there are limits to how much quality you can receive or give if the quantity is marginal.

Alone: One-to-one is where the deepest communication happens. It’s true in marriages, in families, in friendships. It’s also true with God.

At the beginning. We are invited to give God top priority, to begin our day with Him–not save Him for the last minute before going to bed.

Of every day: Regularity is important. Whether you’re talking about an exercise program, learning to play the piano, or making a friend, random contact is not enough.

To seek Jesus. The focus of the devotional life will always be Him. The devotional life is not intended to be a study of prophecy or doctrine or temperance. It is getting acquainted with a Person.

Through His Word and through prayer. He speaks to us through His Word; we respond to Him through prayer. Talking and listening are the basic elements of communication.

Don’t stop with just a recipe, whether it’s for strawberry shortcake or how to know God. Experience it for yourself. Only then will you truly understand its worth.